South Carolina Evidence Handbook Annotated, 16th Edition (2021-2022)



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Product Details

    Authored by Justin S. Kahn

    If you are preparing to try a case, you need this book. When you need to put your hands on a case that helps explain the South Carolina Rules of Evidence, this is your resource.

    Many books define and explain evidence, but this book is more practical. It is meant to be used as an index, a handy reference guide for the litigator practicing in all courts and tribunals in South Carolina that use the Rules of Evidence. This book is to be used as a starting point for understanding how the rules have been interpreted in South Carolina.

    With more than 370 pages of content, this indispensable book includes the full text of the South Carolina Rules of Evidence (with official comments), hundreds of annotations current through July 5, 2021, select South Carolina evidentiary statutes, select South Carolina constitutional provisions and the latest updates to the Federal Rules of Evidence. New for the Sixteenth Edition, your purchase will also include a downloadable copy of the book.

    When you are preparing for or are in trial, you need to have this book. It's the instant access to the Rules of Evidence and how our appellate court's interpret them.

    Summary of Contents:
    South Carolina Rules of Evidence Annotated
    Relevant United States Constitutional Provisions
    Relevant South Carolina Constitutional Provisions
    Relevant South Carolina Statutes
    Federal Rules of Evidence

    © 2021

    SC Evidence Handbook, 5th Ed.


    The South Carolina Bar is an accredited CLE provider in South Carolina only. Attorneys are responsible for seeking their own credit in other jurisdictions.

    Disclaimer: The views expressed in CLE programs and publications do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the South Carolina Bar, its sections, or committees. The South Carolina Bar believes that all Bar members have the right to both meaningful learning and to the exchange of ideas in a civil environment. The Bar reserves the right to remove or exclude any person from a Bar event if that person is causing inappropriate disturbance, behaving in a manner inconsistent with accepted standards of decorum, or in any way preventing fellow Bar members from meaningful participation and learning.

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