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Event Information

Traumatic Brain Injury

October 01, 2021

Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) cases can be some of the most challenging and technical kinds of cases to litigate. There are special considerations any attorney - plaintiff or defense - needs to understand in order to competently represent a TBI client, including potentially complex issues around the science of brain injuries. This seminar will show why brain injury cases differ significantly from "run of the mill" personal injury cases. Course Planner, Kenny Berger, has put together an outstanding and experienced faculty of plaintiff and defense practitioners who will lead you through these complex and challenging issues from both sides of the adversarial process.

This special seminar also features a fantastic and eminently practical mental health hour by SC Bar Lawyers Helping Lawyers Education and Outreach Coordinator, Michael Abro, who will share valuable information about secondary traumatic stress in attorneys. You'll not only get your bi-annual SA/MH credit, but will also learn what secondary traumatic stress is, how it can negatively impact your mental health as a practicing attorney, and also acquire tools to overcome secondary traumatic stress in your own life.

Whether you are a plaintiff or defense attorney, this powerful (and CLE Big Ticket-covered) program will enlighten and equip you to better represent your TBI client. The SC Bar CLE Division is pleased to offer "Traumatic Brain Injury Litigation."



About the Book

Traumatic Brain Injury Litigation 

Principal Author and Editor: Kenneth E. Berger, Esquire 

Contributing Authors

Russell Button, Esquire     

Christopher J. Finney, Esquire

Mark D. Herbst, MD, PhD   

Gregory A. Kendall, Esquire

Andrew M. Lehmkuhl, Esquire

Sarah Lustig, RN, CLCP, CBIS  

Taylor Messervy, BSN, RN, BSc (Psych), CBIS, NLCP  

Brandon A. Woodard, Esquire   

This brand new CLE resource, Traumatic Brain Injury Litigation, provides insight from the perspective of plaintiffs' lawyers, defense counsel, and experts alike. Anyone who prosecutes or defends personal injury cases needs to understand the basic science and complex ramifications of traumatic brain injuries. In this book, the authors explore the fundamentals, as well as the nuances, surrounding TBI litigation. The book begins with complimentary - though opposing - chapters from plaintiff and defense attorneys, then dives deeper into the worlds of radiology and life care planning. The book is also spiral bound and tabbed, so you can quickly and easily find the materials you are looking for.   

Whether you are just getting started in your practice or have been in practice for many decades, Traumatic Brain Injury Litigation will serve as a great resource and addition to your library. In current time and moving forward, knowledge of TBIs is absolutely essential for personal injury practitioners, be it plaintiff or defense. This book offers practical tips, objective approaches, and a human touch to a subject that has long been misunderstood or convoluted. If you represent or defend claims involving car crashes or any other type of personal injury matter, this book ought to be on your shelf.  

Summary of Contents:
Chapter 1: Representing Clients with Traumatic Brain Injuries

Chapter 2: Defending Traumatic Brain Injury Claims

Chapter 3: Neuroradiology

Chapter 4: Life Care Planning in Traumatic Brain Injury Cases

This program qualifies for 6.0 MCLE credit hours, including 1.0 SA.MH credit hour


*Big Ticket holders and Paralegals must purchase book separately by calling CLE Publications Dept. at 803-771-0333, ext 126. Live seminar attendees may pick up book at registration.

SC Supreme Commission Course #: 219043ADO

Learn more about our in-person CLE safety guidelines

Lunch for this program is sponsored by CaseMetrix:


CaseMetrix is a settlement & verdict database utilized by personal injury attorneys throughout the Southeastern US to take the guesswork out of case evaluation.  The data is searchable by specific injury(ies), treatment, venue, etc. while addressing specific issues such as pre-existing injuries, liability concerns, medical causation, gaps in treatment and more.  For more information and a free look at the database, contact Kim White at



The South Carolina Bar is an accredited CLE provider in South Carolina only. Attorneys are responsible for seeking their own credit in other jurisdictions.

Disclaimer: The views expressed in CLE programs and publications do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the South Carolina Bar, its sections, or committees. The South Carolina Bar believes that all Bar members have the right to both meaningful learning and to the exchange of ideas in a civil environment. The Bar reserves the right to remove or exclude any person from a Bar event if that person is causing inappropriate disturbance, behaving in a manner inconsistent with accepted standards of decorum, or in any way preventing fellow Bar members from meaningful participation and learning.

Registration Fees

CLE Big Ticket
Member Registration
Non Member Registration
SC Bar Certified Paralegal
Price Description Amount



NameOrganizationSpeaking At
Andrew Lehmkuhl
Porter Rennie Woodard Kendall, LLP  -
Chris Finney
Finney Injury Law  -
Kellie Everett
Kenneth Berger
The Law Office of Kenneth E. Berger, LLC  -
Mark Herbst
Mark Herbst, MD  -
Russell Button
The Button Law Firm  -
Sarah Lustig
Lustig Consulting, LLC  -


Continuing Education


8:30 a.m.        Registration

8:50 a.m.        Welcome and Opening Remarks

9:00 a.m.        Introduction to Traumatic Brain Injury Litigation
                       Kenneth Berger
                       Law Office of Kenneth E. Berger, LLC

9:30 a.m.       Representing Clients with Traumatic Brain Injuries
                      Kenneth Berger
                      Law Office of Kenneth E. Berger, LLC
                      Chris Finney
                      Finney Injury Law 
                      Russell Button
                     The Button Law Firm 

10:30 a.m.     Break

10:45 a.m.     Defending TBI Claims
                      Andrew Lehmkuhl
                      Porter Rennie Woodard Kendall, LLP

11:45 a.m.    Lunch (provided) - Sponsored by 

12:45 p.m.    Neuroradiology
                     Mark Herbst, MD
                     Independent Diagnostic Radiology

1:45 p.m.      Life Care Planning in TBI Cases
                     Sarah Lustig
                     Lustig Consulting, LLC 

2:45 p.m.      Break

3:00 p.m.      From the Client’s Perspective: Challenges Faced by TBI Survivors 
                     Kellie Everett

3:30 p.m.      Secondary Traumatic Stress - Signs, Sources & Strategies to Address
                     Michael W. Abro
                     SC Bar

4:30 p.m.      Adjourn