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Live Webcast: A User’s Guide to South Carolina Criminal Practice: The 2021 Pandemic Edition

January 08, 2021

Looking for a one-stop-shop to address all your “practicing in a pandemic” concerns? Look no further!  The SC Bar CLE Division is excited to bring to you this Criminal Law CLE highlighting how to navigate the judicial system with new precaution. We have gathered insight from Court Administration officials, judges, clerks, prosecutors, defense attorneys, law enforcement, and more.
This special seminar also features an important and powerful panel discussion, analysis of the social justice issues brought into sharp focus by the George Floyd and Breonna Taylor tragedies.  Our distinguished panel of practicing attorneys, Richland County Sheriff Leon Lott, and USC Law Professor Seth Stoughton will explore how law enforcement, the judicial system, corrections, and especially lawyers can strive for and achieve a broader degree of understanding, tolerance, ethical practice, and social justice as they better understand and implement enhanced norms for behavior and compassion in our often troubled times. This panel presentation has been approved for LEPR credit for its focus on the elimination of bias in the legal profession, which includes instruction designed to educate lawyers on the recognition, identification, prevention, and elimination of bias in the legal setting. Don't miss out!  Sign up now.
This seminar is a basic to intermediate program.
This program qualifies for 5.5 MCLE; 1.5 LEPR
SC Supreme Commission on CLE Course #210750ADO

The South Carolina Bar is an accredited CLE provider in South Carolina only. Attorneys are responsible for seeking their own credit in other jurisdictions.

Disclaimer: The views expressed in CLE programs and publications do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the South Carolina Bar, its sections, or committees. The South Carolina Bar believes that all Bar members have the right to both meaningful learning and to the exchange of ideas in a civil environment. The Bar reserves the right to remove or exclude any person from a Bar event if that person is causing inappropriate disturbance, behaving in a manner inconsistent with accepted standards of decorum, or in any way preventing fellow Bar members from meaningful participation and learning.

Registration Fees

CLE Big Ticket
Member Registration
Non-Member Registration
SC Certified Paralegal
Price Description Amount



NameOrganizationSpeaking At
Amy Cox
Spartanburg County  -
Annie Rumler
S.C. Department of Juvenile Justice  -
Bridget Brown
S.C. Appleseed Legal Justice Center  -
Carlie Woods
Senior Assistant Court Administrator - Magistrate Court  -
Cecil Brown
Eighth Circuit Solicitor's Office  -
Chelsea McNeill
Eighth Circuit Public Defender  -
Clifton Newman
S.C. Circuit Court  -
Dayne Phillips Price Benowitz LLP  -
Deyaska Sweatman
Deyaska Spencer Law Firm, LLC  -
Frank Addy
S.C. Circuit Court  -
Lamar Fyall
US Attorney's Office, District of South Carolina  -
Leon Lott
Richland County Sheriff's Department  -
Leslie Taaffe
South Carolina Judicial Branch Coordinator  -
Marcus Brown
Marc Brown Law Firm, LLC  -
Matthew Buchanan
S.C. Department of Probation, Parole and Pardon Services  -
Robert Bank
S.C. Commission on Indigent Defense  -
Seth Stoughton
University of South Carolina School of Law  -
Susan Hackett
S.C. Judicial Branch  -
Teckla Henderson
Duke Energy Corporation  -
Tonnya Kohn
Tristan Shaffer
Tristan M. Shaffer Attorney at Law  -


Continuing Education


8:50 a.m.          Welcome and Opening Remarks 

9:00 a.m.          Panel 1 - Logistics of Court During COVID and Beyond 

Moderator- Teckla S. Henderson, S.C. Department of Public Safety

·         Tonnya K. Kohn, State Court Administrator

·         Leslie Taaffe, South Carolina Judicial Branch Coordinator

·         Carlie Woods, Senior Assistant Court Administrator, Lexington County Magistrate’s Court

·         Amy K. Cox, Spartanburg County Clerk of Court


10:00 a.m.        Panel 2 - Pre-Trial and Motions Practice During COVID and Beyond 

Moderator- Dayne C. Phillips, Price Benowitz LLP

·         Lamar J. Fyall, Fifth Circuit Solicitor's Office

·         Robert L. Bank, Jr., Richland County Public Defender's Office

·         Hon. Clifton B. Newman, S.C. Circuit Court


11:00 a.m.        Break 

11:15 a.m.        Panel 3 - Trial During COVID and Beyond 

Moderator- Dayne C. Phillips, Price Benowitz LLP

·         C. Yates Brown Jr., Eighth Circuit Solicitor's Office

·         Chelsea B. McNeil, Eighth Circuit Public Defender  

·         Tristan M. Shaffer, Tristan M. Shaffer Attorney at Law

·         Hon. Frank R. Addy Jr., S.C. Circuit Court


12:15 p.m.        Lunch 

1:00 p.m.          Panel 4 - Incarceration and Access to Justice Issues During COVID and Beyond  

Moderator- Teckla S. Henderson, S.C. Department of Public Safety

·         Annie Laurie Rumler, Deputy General Counsel, S.C. Department of Corrections

·         Matthew C. Buchanan, General Counsel, DPPPS

·         Bridget Brown, S.C. Appleseed Legal Justice Center

·         Susan B. Hackett, S.C. Commission on Indigent Defense


2:00 p.m.          Panel 5 - Social Justice (Defense lawyers, Civil Rights litigators, Law                                                Enforcement)

Moderator- Dayne C. Phillips, Price Benowitz LLP

Moderator- Teckla S. Henderson, S.C. Department of Public Safety

·         Marcus J. Brown, Marc Brown Law Firm, LLC

·         Deyaska Spencer, Deyaska Spencer Law Firm, LLC

·         Sheriff Leon Lott, Richland County Sheriff's Department

·         Professor Seth Stoughton, University of South Carolina School of Law

3:30 p.m.          Adjourn