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Event Information

Taking it to the Next Level: What Every Trial Lawyer Should Know About Appeals

November 22, 2024

 Live in person hours at SC Bar Conference Center, 1501 Park St, Columbia, SC 29201. Includes Satellite Sites see below for locations and addresses. 


Appellate practice at the state and federal levels can be daunting and full of traps for the unwary.  Join your trial practice colleagues and a faculty of experienced federal and state civil and criminal law appellate authorities for a powerful and practical seminar that will provide you with the tools you will need to successfully file and argue your next appeal.  Course Planner Drew Radeker has designed this course to meet the needs of both experienced and novice appellate practitioners, so don't let this unique opportunity to learn from some of the best in the business.  This program also includes an hour of ethics specially designed with the appellate practitioner in mind.

This seminar is a basic to intermediate level program.

This program qualifies for 6.0 MCLE credit hours, including up to 1.0 LEPR credit hour.
SC Supreme Commission on CLE Course #: 247464 

Seminar Locations

Attendees can register to attend in person at the SC Bar Conference Center in Columbia, or one of the 4 other locations listed below. All 5 sites count as "in-person" MCLE hours. Please make your selection during the registration process. 

  • Columbia-SC Bar Conference Center, 1501 Park Street
  • Charleston-Charleston School of Law, 385 Meeting Street, no room assigned check in with security 
  • Greenville-The University Center, 225 S. Pleasantburg Drive (enter the building where all the college flags are) Room 514
  • Myrtle Beach-Horry Georgetown Tech, 950 Crabtree Lane, Room 601
  • Rock Hill-York County Family Courthouse, 1555 West Main Street, Jones Assembly Room

The South Carolina Bar is an accredited CLE provider in South Carolina only. Attorneys are responsible for seeking their own credit in other jurisdictions.

Disclaimer: The views expressed in CLE programs and publications do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the South Carolina Bar, its sections, or committees. The South Carolina Bar believes that all Bar members have the right to both meaningful learning and to the exchange of ideas in a civil environment. The Bar reserves the right to remove or exclude any person from a Bar event if that person is causing inappropriate disturbance, behaving in a manner inconsistent with accepted standards of decorum, or in any way preventing fellow Bar members from meaningful participation and learning.

Registration Fees

CLE Big Ticket
Member Registration
Non Member Registration
SC Bar Certified Paralegal
Price Description Amount


385 Meeting Street Charleston, SC 29403 No room assigned check in with security
1501 Park Street Columbia, SC 29201-2730
225 S. Pleasantburg Drive Greenville, SC 29607 Room: 514
  Myrtle Beach
950 Crab Tree Lane Myrtle Beach, SC 29577 Room: 601
  Rock Hill
1555 West Main Street Rock Hill, SC 29732 Jones Assembly Room


NameOrganizationSpeaking At
Andrew Radeker
Radeker Law, P.A.  -
Elizabeth Franklin-Best
Elizabeth Franklin-Best, P.C.  -
Jeffrey Peil
Huggins Peil, LLC  -
John Nichols
Bluestein Thompson Sullivan LLC  -
Robert Dudek
S.C. Commission on Indigent Defense  -
Sarah Larabee
S.C. Supreme Court  -


Continuing Education


8:30 a.m.

8:55 a.m.
Welcome and Opening Remarks

9:00 a.m.
You're A Real Lawyer Now:  Error Preservation, Basic Appeals Procedure and Tips for General Sessions Cases
Robert (Bob) M. Dudek
S.C. Commission on Indigent Defense, Columbia

10:00 a.m.
Eyes on the Prize: Error Preservation, Basic Appeals Procedure, and Tips for Common Pleas Cases
Andrew (Drew) S. Radeker
Radeker Law, P.A., Columbia

11 a.m.

11:15 a.m.
The People's Court(s): Appeals to the Circuit Court
Jeffrey (Jeff) F. Peil
Huggins Peil, LLC, Evans, GA

12:15 p.m.
Lunch (on your own)

1:30 p.m.
Journey to the Center of the Earth:  Error Preservation, Basic Appeals Procedure and Tips for Federal Court
Elizabeth A. Franklin-Best
Elizabeth Franklin-Best, P.C., Columbia

2:30 p.m.

2:45 p.m.
All Eyes on Me: Looking at Things from the Appellate Court's Viewpoint
Sarah Larabee Kovalchek
S.C. Supreme Court, Columbia

3:45 p.m.
Doing It and Doing It Well: Ethics and Appeals
John S. Nichols
Bluestein Attorneys, Columbia

4:45 p.m.