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Event Information

Interesting and Trending Issues in both Taxation Law and Estate Planning Practice

February 29, 2024

Live in person hours at SC Bar Conference Center 1501 Park St, Columbia, SC 29201. Includes Satellite Sites see below for locations and addresses.   

For information and registration for the Live Webinar (non-live hours), please click here.

Join your colleagues in the Tax, Estate Planning and Elder Law practice arenas for an important seminar that will not only provide powerful insights into trending issues in these challenging areas but will also qualify for 6 full Taxation and Estate Planning/Probate Specialization credit hours.
Course Planners G. P. Diminich and Michael Pack have assembled an experienced and talented faculty of practitioners and academics who will provide authoritative guidance on topics such as the evolution of defined value transfers, IRC Section 6166/303 issues, and SC Tax issues like Active Trade or Business Income Tax (i.e., 3% or 6.5%).
If you provide solutions to business or individual clients on taxation or estate planning, you won't want to miss this important and practical seminar!  You'll get terrific content and course materials, as well as those critical specialization credits before the close of the MCLE compliance year!

This seminar is an intermediate to advanced level program.

This program qualifies for 6.0 MLCE credit hours, including up to 6.0 Estate Planning Probate Specialization credit hours and 6.0 Taxation Specialization credit hours. SC Commission on CLE Course Number: 242840


Seminar Locations

Attendees can register to attend in person at the SC Bar Conference Center in Columbia, or one of the other location listed below. All locations count as "in person" hours. 

  •  Greenville- The University Center, 225 S. Pleasantburg Drive (enter the building where all the college flags are) Auditorium 

The South Carolina Bar is an accredited CLE provider in South Carolina only. Attorneys are responsible for seeking their own credit in other jurisdictions.

Disclaimer: The views expressed in CLE programs and publications do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the South Carolina Bar, its sections, or committees. The South Carolina Bar believes that all Bar members have the right to both meaningful learning and to the exchange of ideas in a civil environment. The Bar reserves the right to remove or exclude any person from a Bar event if that person is causing inappropriate disturbance, behaving in a manner inconsistent with accepted standards of decorum, or in any way preventing fellow Bar members from meaningful participation and learning.

Registration Fees

CLE Big Ticket
Member Registration
Non Member Registration
SC Bar Certified Paralegal
Price Description Amount


1501 Park Street Columbia, SC 29201-2730


NameOrganizationSpeaking At


Continuing Education


8:30 a.m.

8:50 a.m.
Welcome and Opening Remarks
G.P. Diminich, Shumaker, Loop & Kendrick, LLP, Charleston
S. Michael Pack, Jr., Dennis, Shaw, Drennan & Pack, LLC, Spartanburg

9 a.m.
IRC Section 6166/303 Issues as One of the Alternatives Discusses
William (Bill) I. Sanderson, McGuire Woods, Charlottesville, VA

10 a.m.
State Income Tax Planning for Completed and Incomplete Gift Trusts
Shannon Elliotte, Colony Family Offices & Trust Company, Charlotte, NC

11 a.m.

11:15 a.m.
Evolution of Defined Value Transfers
Professor Brant J. Hellwig, New York University School of Law, New York, NY

12:15 p.m.
Lunch (Included)

1:15 p.m.
South Carolina Tax Issues
Robert (Bob) Balwin, CPA, Baldwin & Associates, Mt. Pleasant

2:15 p.m.

2:30 p.m.
Interesting Property Tax Issues
Felix C. Pelzer, Jr., Shumaker, Loop & Kendrick, LLP, Charleston

3:30 p.m.
Taxability of Settlements
G.P. Diminich, Shumaker, Loop & Kendrick, LLP, Charleston

4:30 p.m.