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Event Information

Removing the Blinders of Justice: A Hard Look at the Mental Health System

February 08, 2024

For information and registration for the Live Webinar (non-live hours) for this program, please click here. 

The SC Bar CLE Division is proud to offer a critically important seminar that will help practitioners and judges better understand the intersectional roles of the SC Department of Mental Health (SCDMH) and the Circuit, Family and Probate courts of this state.  As society continues to embrace the critical role of good mental health in a person’s overall wellness, courts across South Carolina have seen an increase in the number of citizens utilizing community mental health services. That increase produces legal, ethical, and clinical questions for attorneys and judges statewide.

Tamara Curry, Staff Counsel for SCDMH, has brought together an outstanding faculty of mental health professionals, practitioners, and judges to provide practical insight and guidance on how to work within the legal and public health systems for the best interests of your clients.

You will learn about DMH facilities and trends in treatment, how DMH and our courts intersect, the nuts and bolts of criminal responsibility, competency to stand trial, and SVP evaluations.  You will learn about the history and future of mental health treatment in SC, legal and ethical considerations for competency restoration for juveniles and adults, and you’ll come away with tools and resources to be a better, more effective advocate for your clients as they journey in this system.

From criminal defendants to families in need of estate planning, mental illness can affect any client or case. This cutting-edge seminar promises to provide you with practical solutions and answers to some of the most difficult questions surrounding these issues.

This program qualifies for 6.0 MCLE credit hours; .75 LEPR credit hours and 6.0 JCLE credit hours

SC Supreme Commission on CLE Course #: 241576


The South Carolina Bar is an accredited CLE provider in South Carolina only. Attorneys are responsible for seeking their own credit in other jurisdictions.

Disclaimer: The views expressed in CLE programs and publications do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the South Carolina Bar, its sections, or committees. The South Carolina Bar believes that all Bar members have the right to both meaningful learning and to the exchange of ideas in a civil environment. The Bar reserves the right to remove or exclude any person from a Bar event if that person is causing inappropriate disturbance, behaving in a manner inconsistent with accepted standards of decorum, or in any way preventing fellow Bar members from meaningful participation and learning.

Registration Fees

CLE Big Ticket
Member Registration
Non Member Registration
SC Bar Certified Paralegal
Price Description Amount



NameOrganizationSpeaking At
Christopher Gillen
South Carolina Department of Mental Health  -
Deborah Blalock
South Carolina Department of Mental Health  -
Donald Hocker
S.C. Circuit Court  -
Elinor Lister
S.C. Department of Mental Health  -
Elizabeth Hutto
S.C. Department of Mental Health  -
Jacqueline Belton
Kelly Gothard
South Carolina Department of Mental Health  -
Logan Royals
S.C. Department of Mental Health  -
Marie Gehle
South Carolina Department of Mental Health  -
Mark Binkley
S.C. Department of Mental Health  -
Michele Patrao Forsythe
S.C. Family Court  -
Randy Pate
S.C. Department of Mental Health  -
Rochelle Caton
S.C. Department of Mental Health  -
Samantha Horsley
South Carolina Department of Mental Health  -
Tamara Curry


Continuing Education


8:30 a.m.        



8:55 a.m.        

Welcome and Opening Remarks


9:00 a.m.        

Overview of DMH 2023
Description of various facilities and current trends

Deborah Blalock, Deputy Director M.Ed., LPCS, South Carolina Department of Mental Health


10:00 a.m.      

Mental Health and the Intersection of Probate, Family and Circuit Court- “The Village is The Same”

Honorable Donald Hocker, Honorable Jackie Belton, Amy Wessinger


11:00 a.m.      



11:15 a.m.      

The Nuts and Bolts on Criminal Responsibility, Competency to Stand Trial and SVP Evaluations

Panel: Dr. Kelly Gothard, Ph.D., Dr. Marie Gehle, Psy.D., Dr. Christopher Gillen, Ph.D., and Samantha Horskey, Ph.D., ABPP



12:15 p.m.     

Lunch Break (on your own)


1:30 p.m.       

It’s Not Your Grandmother’s Bull Street Part 1: History and Law

Rochelle Caton, Director of Patient Advocacy, South Carolina Department of Mental Health



2:30 p.m.       

The Defendant Just Needs Some Treatment: Legal and Ethical Considerations for Competency Restoration for Adults and Juveniles

Logan Royals, Dr. Jennifer Alleyne and Dr. Jeffrey Raynor, South Carolina DepartmentMental Health


3:15 p.m.       



3:30 p.m.       

It’s Not Your Grandmother’s Bull Street Part 2: Beds are Not the Answer

Panel Discussion: Elizabeth Hutto, Mark Binkley, Alex Pate, Ellie Lister, All of South Carolina Department of Mental Health


4:30 p.m.       

Take away, resources and questions

Tamara Curry, General Counsel for South Carolina Department of Mental Health


4:45 p.m.       
