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Event Information

The 2025 Busy Lawyer’s Guide to Running a Law Practice

January 31, 2025

Live in person hours at SC Bar Conference Center, 1501 Park Street, Columbia, SC 29201.
Includes Live in Person Satellite Sites - see below for locations and addresses.

Join the Solo & Small Firm Section’s Annual CLE on Jan. 31, 2025, live at the Bar Conference Center in Columbia or via remote broadcast. The program features Jim Calloway, Director of the Management Assistance Program at the Oklahoma Bar Association, legal services consultant, past ABA TECHSHOW Chair, podcaster, and blogger. A favorite among South Carolina CLE audiences, Calloway will share the latest insights on law office technology and management. South Carolina small firm attorneys will also present practical solutions to challenges ranging from practice management to AI. Attorneys from all firm sizes are welcome to attend this highly anticipated event.

This seminar is an Basic to Intermediate level program. 

This program qualifies for 6.25 MCLE; 1.0 LEPR

SC Supreme Commission on CLE Course #250535.

Seminar Locations
Attendees can register to attend in person at the SC Bar Conference Center in Columbia, or one of the 7 other locations listed below. All 8 sites count as "in-person" MCLE hours. Please make your selections during the registration process. 

·         Columbia- Conference Center; 1501 Park Street

·         Beaufort- USC Bluffton; 1 Univeristy Drive; Room TBD

·         Charleston- Charleston School of Law; 385 Meeting Street; Room TBD

·         Florence- SiMT; 1951 Pisgah Rd; Room 249

·         THIS SITE IS FULL :Greenville- University Center; 225 S. Pleasantburg Drive
 (enter the building where all the college flags are) Room 514

·         Myrtle Beach- Horry Georgetown; 950 Crabtree Lane; Room 601

·         Rock Hill- York County Family Courthouse; 1555 West Main Street; Jones Assembly Room

·         Spartanburg- 366 North Church Street; County Council Chambers 

The South Carolina Bar is an accredited CLE provider in South Carolina only. Attorneys are responsible for seeking their own credit in other jurisdictions.

Disclaimer: The views expressed in CLE programs and publications do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the South Carolina Bar, its sections, or committees. The South Carolina Bar believes that all Bar members have the right to both meaningful learning and to the exchange of ideas in a civil environment. The Bar reserves the right to remove or exclude any person from a Bar event if that person is causing inappropriate disturbance, behaving in a manner inconsistent with accepted standards of decorum, or in any way preventing fellow Bar members from meaningful participation and learning.

Registration Fees

CLE Big Ticket
Member Registration
Non Member Registration
SC Bar Certified Paralegal
Solo & Small Firm Committee Member
Price Description Amount


  Beaufort/Hilton Head Island
1 University Blvd Bluffton, SC 29909 Room:
385 Meeting Street Charleston, SC 29403 Room: 601
1501 Park Street Columbia, SC 29201-2730
1951 Pisgah Rd Florence, SC 29501 Room:
  Myrtle Beach
950 Crab Tree Lane Myrtle Beach, SC 29577 Room:
  Rock Hill
1555 West Main Street Rock Hill, SC 29732 Room:
336 N. Church Street Spartanburg, SC 29303 Room:


NameOrganizationSpeaking At
Charles Terreni
Terreni Law Firm, L.L.C.  -
Courtney Troutman
South Carolina Bar  -
David Maxfield
Dave Maxfield, Attorney, LLC  -
Eve Ross
Thomson Reuters  -
Harvey Watson
Ballard & Watson, Attorneys at Law  -
Jeffrey Silverberg
Office of Disciplinary Counsel  -
Jim Calloway
Oklahoma Bar Association  -
Jonathan Lewis
The Law Office of Jonathan Lewis, LLC  -
Michael Polk
Belser Law Firm, PA  -
Michael Derrick
Brooks Derrick Accident & Injury Lawyers  -


Continuing Education


8:30 a.m.

8:55 a.m.
Welcome and Opening Remarks
Charles Terreni, Terreni Law Firm, L.L.C.
2024 Solo & Small Firm Chair 

9:00 a.m.
Everything Old is New Again: Law Firm and Client File Management in 2025 
Jim Calloway, Oklahoma Bar Association
Kick the day off with featured speaker Jim Calloway for an overview of law office essentials today. Basic law office management practices are different today than when many of us began our practices. Client expectations are much different today. Don’t expect them to sit patiently in the waiting room long after their scheduled appointment. From fee agreements to client portals, we’ll discuss basics such as secure data storage with cloud-based tools, backups, preserving attorney-client text messaging and basics of effective use of digital client files. We will also discuss why tools like password managers and multi-factor authentication are critical for security for all lawyers and staff.  

10:00 a.m.
Introduction to Common Artificial Intelligence Tools for Lawyers 
Jim Calloway
You may have been one of those lawyers who, upon hearing of ChatGPT and other Artificial Intelligence tools, swore that you'd never use those in your law practice. But now you have seen AI introduced into tools you use every day. Even Facebook now has Meta AI doing summaries of comment threads. This introduction to AI will discuss what generative AI is and how this technique has changed how we think of AI, exploring some of the various AI products with a special focus on the presenter’s favorite AI tool for lawyers, Microsoft Copilot. Love it or hate it, for most lawyers AI tools are in their future. So here are some tips in using them safely and efficiently. 

11:00 a.m. 

11:15 a.m.
Artificial Intelligence Use Cases (1 hour)
Panel: Jim Calloway (Moderator)
Eve A. Ross Thomson Reuters, Michael J. Polk, Belser Law Firm, PA, Charles Terreni, Terreni Law Firm, L.L.C. 
So many technological advances are overblown and overhyped. But there is a near-consensus among legal technology experts that AI is a massive and far-reaching development that will have a profound impact on many business processes and sectors of the economy. But it takes some effort to learn what these tools can do and how to best use them. Join our panelists as they discuss practical ways they’ve used AI in their law practices. 

12:15 p.m.
Attendee Networking Luncheon (Columbia Location Only)
Sponsored by SSF Section 
Recognition of Outgoing Chair Charlie Terreni by Chair-Elect Brooks Derrick 

1:00 p.m.
The Practical Ethical Lawyer 
Moderator: Courtney G. Troutman, South Carolina Bar
Panel: Jim Calloway, Jeffrey I. Silverberg, Office of Disciplinary Counsel, Harvey M. Watson, III, Ballard & Watson, Attorneys at Law 
Our panelists will focus on real world solutions for everyday ethical dilemmas and address the most frequently asked ethics questions asked of the Bar’s Risk Management Helpline, including client confidentiality issues, conflicts of interest, common advertising violations, fee agreement clauses everyone should have, so-called “nonrefundable fees,” avoiding ethical pitfalls when using Artificial Intelligence tools, and what to do if you get a letter from ODC. 

2:00 p.m.
Alternative Business Strategies in an Age of Automation 
Jim Calloway, David A. Maxfield, Dave Maxfield, Attorney, LLC
AI adoption means some tasks that used to take hours will be done in seconds. Document automation tools are being rolled out in practice management software tools. Using the data contained in the client file to generate documents will result in less attorney time involved in document drafting.  How does a law firm committed solely to the billable hour deal with that reality? As we automate our processes, the time it takes to do certain tasks should be reduced. At a minimum this will require rewriting engagement agreements with a blend of hourly and task-based fees. Areas that can be substantially automated may be considered for subscription-based models or flat fees. A headache for managing partners will be that hours billed alone may no longer accurately reflect the associate’s value to the firm. 

3:00 p.m.

3:15 p.m.
Practical Pointers for Running a Law Firm 
Panel: Jim Calloway, M. Brooks Derrick, Brooks Derrick Accident & Injury Lawyers Dave Maxfield, Jonathan E.B. Lewis, The Law Office of Jonathan Lewis, LLC, Charles Terreni
We end the day with the annual favorite Tips panel presentation! Whether you’re starting a new law firm or are in your twentieth year, our panel will share their favorite tips they’ve picked up over the years on office systems that work, managing client expectations, fees, marketing ethically, the best way to fire a client, favorite tech, and more. 

4:30 p.m.