To reach a member of the Bar staff by phone, dial (803) 799-6653. When prompted, enter the appropriate extension referenced below.


Emma Dean -
Executive Director : Ext. 144
Oversees and manages Bar operations.


Sarah Justice -
Communications Director : Ext. 161
Oversees all communications efforts including the production of SC Lawyer, various newsletters, annual reports as well as efforts to promote Bar projects and initiatives through social media, the press and other outlets.

Amaris Jenkins -
Communications Strategist : Ext. 155
Develops and coordinates the delivery of Bar messaging across various platforms including email newsletters, website content, social media and media relations. Serves as staff liaison to the SC Lawyer Editorial Board.

Andrew Clemons -
Creative Director : Ext. 148
Oversees creative development of Bar materials; serves as Art Director of SC Lawyer magazine; designs various print and online materials.

Kristen Clark -
Graphic Design Coordinator : Ext. 162
Designs various print and online materials.

Michelle Dennis -
Advertising and Administrative Coordinator : Ext. 163
Coordinates advertising across a variety of communications channels and coordinates the logistics for those communication channels including the weekly e-Blast newsletter.


Kimberly Snipes -
Community and Special Projects Director : Ext. 135
Coordinates with Local County Bars and supports the Diversity Committee, Young Lawyers Division, Law Student Affiliate Division, Lawyer Mentoring Program, and Leadership Academy.

Briana Porter -
YLD and Mentoring Coordinator : Ext. 186
Supports the Young Lawyers Division and administers the Lawyer Mentoring Program.

Continuing Legal Education

Terry Burnett -
CLE Director : Ext. 152
Plans and oversees the operation of the CLE Division; proposes and implements policies and projects.

Marley Douglas -
Assistant CLE Director - Seminars : Ext. 123
Manages the production schedule of seminars and Bar Convention; assists with marketing efforts for the seminars programs and Bar Convention; oversees assigned staff.

Delilah Roseborough -
Convention Manager : Ext. 130
Manages planning for Bar Convention and selected seminars.

Cheryl Underwood -
CLE Seminars Coordinator III : Ext. 133
Coordinates administration, marketing and promotion for selected seminars.

Lauren Robinson -
Seminar / Conference Center Coordinator : Ext. 117
Handles conference center scheduling; coordinates administration, marketing and promotion for selected seminars.

Alicia Hutto -
Assistant CLE Director : Publications - Ext. 119
Plans and oversees the operation of the publications department of the CLE Division; oversees assigned staff.

Shelby Sheldon -
CLE Publications Manager : Ext. 172
Responsible for formatting publications.

Matt Anderson -
CLE Publications Coordinator : Ext. 126
Responsible for publications order processing, invoicing, office sales and shipping; responsible for processing publications/seminar materials returns and refunds/credits.

Jane Points -
eCLE Coordinator : Ext. 128
Coordinates the production, posting and customer service for online programs to include teleseminars, webcasting and the Course of Study program.

Robin Genovese -
CLE Receptionist/Administrative Coordinator : Ext. 110
Serves as first contact with the CLE Division and provides administrative support.

Katie Montgomery -
CLE Registration Coordinator : Ext. 122
Manages event registrations and processes publication book orders.

Kierston Smith -
Marketing Strategist : Ext. 187
Markets programs and services to Bar members; identifies opportunities and avenues through which to promote CLE products and services.


Innis Belton -
Financial Director : Ext. 124
Manages Bar accounting, payroll, benefits and grant finances.

General Counsel

Jill Rothstein -
General Counsel : Ext. 137
General Counsel is responsible for overseeing legal matters, providing legal advice, guidance, and support to ensure compliance with relevant laws and regulations. Provides strategic insights and assists in managing risks and protecting SC Bar's interest in addition to overseeing professional responsibility issues. Provide staff support to assigned committees and sections.

Human Resources

Tara Brockman -
Human Resources Manager : Ext. 189

Law Related Education

Donald Lanier -
LRE Manager : Ext. 156
Promotes training for school resource officers; oversees, Street Law and Foundations of Democracy; supports other LRE projects in­clud­ing conferences, workshops, committees and marketing.

Marian Kirk -
LRE Coordinator II : Ext. 157
Responsible for managing the production schedule of LRE trainings and competition opportunities; supports all LRE projects including conferences, trainings, competitions and committees.

Media Services Division

Jason Stokes -
Media Director : Ext. 175
Oversees all aspects of the Media Services Division.

Warren Holland -
Media Services Manager : Ext. 121
Manages all aspects of media production for seminars, distance learning, Bar functions and special projects.

Jeremy Frazier -
Media and IT Manager : Ext. 159
Supports operation of information systems and assists with on-site media production of seminars and distance learning.

Membership Services

Charmy Medlin -
Membership Services Director : Ext. 134
Oversees the operation of the Membership Services Division; supports House of Delegates, Board of Governors, Paralegal Certification Program and Practice and Procedure Committee.

Tara Caine -
Membership Services Manager : Ext. 146
Supports the Senior Lawyers Division and Memory Hold the Door Committee; serves as section and committee liaison.

Donna Oelhafen -
Membership Services Manager : Ext. 171
Primary contact for general member information—license fees, status changes, new member processing and targeted mailing information; reviews and compiles court appointment rule information.

Juliana Sobey -
Membership Services Coordinator : Ext. 176
Assists with license fee processing; coordinates Annual Meeting of Chairs; supports implementation of iCivics; and provides general administrative support.

Kali Campbell Turner -
Government Affairs Director : Ext. 170
Coordinates the Bar's legislative programs.

Marla Wood -
Membership Services Program Coordinator : Ext. 182
Provides administrative support to Government Affairs; Serves as liaison for 12 Section councils and the Administrative & Regulatory, Children's, Elder, Education, and Wellness Law Committees.

Lawyers Helping Lawyers

Beth Padgett -
Lawyers Helping Lawyers Director : Ext. 140
Provides support and referrals for judges, lawyers, and law students experiencing stress, anxiety, depression, or substance use disorders, including support and evaluations for law students during Character and Fitness reviews and lawyers and judges during disciplinary proceedings.

Briana Suhr -
Clinical Case Manager : Ext. 174
Provides support, counseling, and wellness education to law students and young lawyers. Assists with selected program initiatives.

Practice Management

Courtney Troutman -
Director, Practice Management Assistance Program : Ext. 183
Provides free individualized Zoom, telephone and email consultation on practice management and law office technology issues; develops practice aids; speaks to lawyers and paralegal groups; authors articles and tips; serves as liaison to Solo & Small Firm Section; works with member benefits. Operates Ethics Hotline.

Emily Worley -
Practice Management Assistance Program Assistant : Ext. 118
Assists PMAP Director in providing practice management and technology assistance to Bar members, including Fastcase, Lending Library, Book Exchange and listserv questions.

Public Services

Cindy Coker -
Public Services Director : Ext. 142
Oversees Ask-A-Lawyer, Lawyer Referral Service, Lawyer's Fund for Client Protection, Client Assistance Program (CAP), fee disputes, the Commission on Alternative Dispute Resolution, the Dispute Resolution Section and other public service programs.

Eileen Carrouth -
Client Liaison Director : Ext. 141
Manages Client Assistance Program and Lawyers' Fund for Client Protection Provides assistance to members of the public.

Barbara Areheart -
Lawyer Referral Service Manager : Ext. 136
Assists the Board of Arbitrator and Mediator Certification with the administration of court-annexed ADR programs; provides administrative support for the Dispute Resolution Section; administers daily operations of the statewide LRS and LRS Online.

LeChel Smoaks -
LRS Operator : Ext. 169
Answers incoming lines for the Lawyer Referral Service.

Rebecca Thompson
LRS Operator : Ext. 165
Answers incoming lines for the Lawyer Referral Service.

Gloria Godfrey -
Public Services Assistant : Ext. 111
Serves as Bar receptionist and provides administrative support.

Anna Dean -
Pro Bono Program Paralegal : Ext. 164
Responsible for intake and referral for the Pro Bono Program.

Karen Elliott -
Pro Bono Program Paralegal : Ext. 158
Responsible for intake and referral for the Pro Bono Program.

Kristin Magee -
Public Services Volunteer Coordinator : Ext. 158
Responsible for Law School for Non-Lawyers, Law Talk, and volunteer events.

Paulina Freire -
Customer Service (Spanish) and Fee Disputes : Ext. 149