Labor and Employment Law for South Carolina Lawyers, 5th Edition - Volumes I and II



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Labor and Employment Law for South Carolina Lawyers, 5th Edition - Volumes I and II with 2023-2024 Supplement 

Contributing authors: Thomas K. Barlow, Cherie W. Blackburn, Deborah Casey Brown, M. Malissa Burnette, Piper R. Byzet, Ann Louise Brown Cauble, Jack E. Cohoon, J. Howard Daniel, Joseph D. Dickey, Jr., David E. Dubberly, David T. Duff, J. Scott Falls, William H. Floyd III, Wendy L. Furhang, D. Michael Henthorne, R. Hayne Hodges III, McKinley H. Hyman, Amy Y. Jenkins, Matthew K. Johnson, Ashley Kutz Kelley, Phillip A. Kilgore, Prof. James M. Klein, Liane Dublinski Kozik, Grant Burnette LeFever, Janet Q. Lewis, Regina Hollins Lewis, Stephanie E. Lewis, Eugene H. Matthews, Ellison F. McCoy, Sara E. McCreary, John T. Merrell, Leigh M. Nason, L. Marshall Coleman Newton, Elizabeth B. Partlow, Tucker S. Player, Stephanie N. Ramia, C. Edward Rawl, Jr., George A. Reeves III, Janet E. Rhodes, Jonathan A. Roth, Andreas N. Satterfield, Jr., Franklin G. Shuler, Jr., Nekki Shutt, Rebecca L. Sigmund, Ashley C. Story, J. Hagood Tighe, Shawn D. Wallace, Sandi R. Wilson, M. Baker Wyche III, David S. Yandle 

2023-2024 Supplement edited by: M. Malissa Burnette, James A. Byars, Grant Burnette LeFever, and Leigh M. Nason

Contributing authors: Laura A. Ahrens, Meyoshia S. Bethea, Cherie W. Blackburn, H. Matthew Blasko, Deborah Casey Brown, M. Malissa Burnette, Ann Louise Brown Cauble, Jack E. Cohoon, Amanda K. Davinson, Joseph D. Dickey, Jr., David E. Dubberly, William L. Duda, J. Scott Falls, William H. Floyd III, Sarah M. Gable, Alllison Chalmers Hawkins, D. Michael Henthorne, R. Hayne Hodges III, Amy Y. Jenkins, Matthew K. Johnson, Ashley Kutz Kelley, Phillip A. Kilgore, Grant Burnette LeFever, Janet Q. Lewis, Angus H. Macaulay, Eugene H. Matthews, Ellison F. McCoy, John T. Merrell, Alexa L. Morris, Sara P. Morris, Leigh M. Nason, L. Marshall Coleman Newton, Harriet C. O’Malley, Ashley R. Parr, Elizabeth B. Partlow, Tucker S. Player, J. Paul Porter, George A. Reeves III, Stephanie Ramia Sandifer, Andreas N. Satterfield, Jr., Franklin G. Shuler, Jr., Nekki Shutt, Frank. S. Stern, Hannah D. Stetson, Ashley C. Story, Carlee A. Taber, George A. Taylor, Christopher R. Thomas, J. Hagood Tighe

This comprehensive guide for South Carolina lawyers covers every major aspect of both federal and South Carolina labor and employment law. Our distinguished editors and more than 45 contributing authors-many of whom are certified specialists in labor and employment law- have teamed up to produce a Fifth Edition of this truly balanced and unique treatise covering this pervasive and complex area of law. Federal and state statutes, regulations, common law, and administrative procedures are discussed in a thorough and organized fashion with emphasis on providing practical, understandable answers to the most common questions that arise in most employment cases. New for the Fifth Edition is a chapter on Workers' Compensation and a glossary of acronyms frequently used in employment and labor law practice. Because of the vast amount of information covered, this fifth edition consists of two volumes. 

The 2023-2024 Supplement updates the Fifth Edition since its release in 2019, and includes a brand-new chapter on Protections for Pregnancy, Lactation, and Related Conditions covering the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act, Providing Urgent Maternal Protections (PUMP) for Nursing Mothers Act, the South Carolina Pregnancy Accommodations Act, the South Carolina Lactation Support Act, and paid parental leave. Revised materials are included for every chapter. 

This purchase includes both Volume I and II in print and download format, as well as the 2023-2024 Supplement in both print and download format. 

This treatise and accompanying supplement will be valuable for practitioners seeking a ready reference for employment law questions that arise with their own employees or their clients, whether in private practice or the public sector. 

Volume I
South Carolina Labor and Employment Law
Employment Contracts
Covenants Not to Compete and Other Restrictive Covenants
Employee Reputation, Privacy and Dignity
Employment-Related Torts
Workers' Compensation
Retaliatory Discharge
Unemployment Law and Procedure
Federal and State Laws Relating to Pay and Benefits
                Fair Labor Standards Act
                Wage Payment Act and Related Laws
                Employee Retirement and Income Security Act
Federal Labor and Employment Laws
                Family and Medical Leave Act
                Foreign National in the Workforce
                Labor-Management Relations
                Affirmative Action Obligations of Federal Government Contractors
                Occupational Safety and Health
                Uniformed Servicemembers' Rights and Benefits
                Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act
Volume II
Federal Anti-Discrimination Laws
                Age Discrimination in Employment Act
                Americans with Disabilities Act
                Equal Pay
                Whistleblower Protection and Litigation Under the Sarbanes-Oxley Act
                Title VII of the Civil Rights Act
Special Issues of Public Employees
                Public Employees
                Constitutional Rights of Public Employees
Alternative Dispute Resolution
                Alternative Dispute Resolutions
Statutes of Limitations
                Statutes of Limitations in Employment Cases


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