Labor and Employment Law for South Carolina Lawyers, 5th Edition - Volumes I and II - 2023-2024 Supplement (Download)



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© 2024 

2023-2024 Supplement edited by: M. Malissa Burnette, James A. Byars, Grant Burnette LeFever, and Leigh M. Nason 

Contributing authors: Laura A. Ahrens, Meyoshia S. Bethea, Cherie W. Blackburn, H. Matthew Blasko, Deborah Casey Brown, M. Malissa Burnette, Ann Louise Brown Cauble, Jack E. Cohoon, Amanda K. Davinson, Joseph D. Dickey, Jr., David E. Dubberly, William L. Duda, J. Scott Falls, William H. Floyd III, Sarah M. Gable, Alllison Chalmers Hawkins, D. Michael Henthorne, R. Hayne Hodges III, Amy Y. Jenkins, Matthew K. Johnson, Ashley Kutz Kelley, Phillip A. Kilgore, Grant Burnette LeFever, Janet Q. Lewis, Angus H. Macaulay,Eugene H. Matthews, Ellison F. McCoy, John T. Merrell, Alexa L. Morris, Sara P. Morris, Leigh M. Nason, L. Marshall Coleman Newton, Harriet C. O’Malley, Ashley R. Parr, Elizabeth B. Partlow, Tucker S. Player, J. Paul Porter, George A. Reeves III, Stephanie Ramia Sandifer, Andreas N. Satterfield, Jr., Franklin G. Shuler, Jr., Nekki Shutt, Frank. S. Stern, Hannah D. Stetson, Ashley C. Story, Carlee A. Taber, George A. Taylor, Christopher R. Thomas, J. Hagood Tighe

Ideal for those seeking quick reference and the convenience of digital accessibility. This is the digital download of the 2023-2024 Supplement. There is no physical book with this purchase option.

The Fifth Edition, released in 2019, has been updated with this 2023-2024 Supplement. It includes updates to every chapter found in the main texts, and includes a brand-new chapter on Protections for Pregnancy, Lactation, and Related Conditions covering the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act, Providing Urgent Maternal Protections (PUMP) for Nursing Mothers Act, the South Carolina Pregnancy Accommodations Act, the South Carolina Lactation Support Act, and paid parental leave.     

Table of Contents


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