Elements of Civil Causes of Action, 6th Edition



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Elements of Civil Causes of Action
Sixth Edition


Michael G. Sullivan (1945-2014)
Edited and Updated by Douglas S. MacGregor

© 2021

With more than 730 pages, the fully updated Sixth Edition includes two new chapters (Barratry and Prescriptive Easements) and breaks down 52 of the most common South Carolina civil causes of action into their component parts. Chapters are organized alphabetically by cause of action and are heavily annotated with pertinent citations to controlling authority, so that what you get is the very essence of current South Carolina law in a concise and convenient format which will save you hours of research time. Your book purchase includes a download of the text and sample forms.

Summary of Contents

* Assault

* Barratry

* Battery

* Breach of Confidentiality/Contract/
  Contract with Fraudulent Act/Fiduciary Duty

* Consumer Protection Code Violation

* Defamation

* Dram Shop Liability

* Ejectment of Tenants

* False Imprisonment

* Insurance Bad Faith

* Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress/

* Interference with a Contractual Relationship

* Legal Malpractice

* Loss of Consortium

* Medical Malpractice

* Negligence – Generally

* Negligent Entrustment/

* Nuisance

* Payment of Wages Act Violation

* Premises Liability

• Prescriptive Easements

* Products Liability

* Slander of Title

* Trespass

* Unfair Trade Practices Action Violation

* Wrongful Birth/Death/Discharge


Table of Contents

Elements Civil Causes of Act


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