The Briefcase Lawyer: Essential Information for Every Practitioner, 2nd Edition



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Jordan D. Beumer, Margaret “Marti” Miles Bluestein, Walter H. Cartin, Mary M. Caskey, Daniel M. Coble, Reginald “Reggie” P. Corley, Julie B. Cude, Joseph D. Dickey, Jr., Hon. B. Keith Griffin, Catherine S. Hendrix, Hannah C. Honeycutt, Karen L. Huelson, Mark K. Ingram, Ashley W. Johnson, William R. Johnson, W. Verne McGough, Jr., Douglas B. O’Neal, Adair B. Patterson, J. Evan Phillips, Sarah F. Robertson, Kathleen Goodpasture Smith, William R. Thomas, Jeremy A. Thompson, and Stacy E. Thompson


In 2012, using the Bar’s Ask-a-Lawyer materials as a starting point, 17 authors worked together to publish the First Edition of this book. Now, for this Second Edition, 24 authors have joined together to update this short, concise manual with an easy-to use tabbing system covering 18 topics ranging from bankruptcy to working with self-represented litigants. This book is meant to be used as a quick reference guide for SC attorneys on a variety of legal topics. And for additional guidance on the topics, each book section ends with a list of additional SC Bar related resources. 

Summary of Contents:

  • ·         Bankruptcy
  • ·         Consumer Law and Debt Collection
  • ·         Courts (overview and jurisdiction of each court system)
  • ·         Criminal Law
  • ·         Estate/Probate/Planning for Incapacity
  • ·         Family Law
  • ·         Foreclosure
  • ·         Forming and Operating a Business Entity
  • ·         Healthcare Law
  • ·         Landlord/Tenant
  • ·         Real Estate
  • ·         Social Security Benefits
  • ·         Unemployment Compensation
  • ·         Workers’ Compensation
  • ·         Self-Represented Litigants
  • ·         Legal Services
  • ·         State/Private Agencies Telephone Numbers
  • ·         Disaster/Emergency Preparedness




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