South Carolina Family Law Mediation: A Guide for Attorneys and Mediators



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Product Details

Sean F. Keefer, Esquire

Editor: Douglas S. MacGregor 

 Copyright 2021

Mediation in the SC family courts has been occurring for decades, but the SC Bar – CLE Division did not offer a comprehensive publication addressing the topic – until now!

Mediation is not only mandatory, it is a critical part of the family law process. That’s why a publication addressing the nuts and bolts of family law mediation, providing an overview for attorneys representing clients during a family law mediation, and including tips on how best to prepare your mediator for a productive mediation was needed. Additionally, as there was no single reference source for the SC Family Court mediator, author Sean Keefer, provides ideas on starting and building a mediation practice, addresses the ins and outs of becoming a mediator, discusses issues and challenges that frequently arise in family court mediations, and provides strategies and methods for addressing and dealing with these issues. As a matter of convenience, the book can serve as a central reference point for forms and SC ADR Rules applicable to mediation and the Standards of Conduct for Mediators.

The ultimate goal of this resource is to benefit SC attorneys and mediators by providing a central reference source and practical tools to utilize in family law mediations in this state.

Summary of Contents:

Chapter One: Introduction
Chapter Two: Tools for the Attorney - Client Preparation
Chapter Three: Tools for the Attorney - Attorney Preparation
Chapter Four: Tools and Techniques for Mediators - The Mediator
Appendices of Select SC ADR Rules and Sample Forms

Table of Contents



The South Carolina Bar is an accredited CLE provider in South Carolina only. Attorneys are responsible for seeking their own credit in other jurisdictions.

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