How to Try a Simple Auto Wreck Case: The Basics from Start to Finish Out of Stock
Product Details
Principal Authors: R. Allyce Bailey, Esquire & S. Venus Poe,
© 2022
One of the best ways to gain
valuable trial experience is to try simple auto accident cases. Whether from
the plaintiff or defense side, the steps to prepare to try an auto wreck case
can teach you the fundamentals of trial work. Some of the best trial lawyers
start out trying basic motor vehicle accident cases. Although it is impossible
to predict and prepare for every issue that may arise, this book provides the
groundwork and tools needed to prepare for and try a basic auto wreck case.
This book will show you how to:
- Handle client intake from the initial contact through the
information-gathering stage
- Sample client intake worksheet included.
- Prepare a case for trial (initial investigation, formal discovery,
and trial preparation)
- Sample Summons and Complaint, Plaintiff’s first set of
Interrogatories, Requests for Production, and Request to Admit to
Defendant, Answer, and Defendant’s first set of Request to Admit to
Plaintiff included.
- Prove each of the elements required to establish a negligence cause
of action
- Determine what evidence is and is not admissible at trial
- Strategically file pre-trial motions to limit what evidence is
presented to the jury
- Sample Defendant’s Motion in Limine and Motion to Exclude Expert
Testimony included.
- Decide if, and when to file a post-trial motion
- If your client believes that the jury’s verdict was either
excessive or inadequate.
- Understand the jury selection process
- Qualifications, Exemptions, Transfers
- Voir dire
- Submit proposed jury instructions that support your client’s
- Sample set of plaintiff’s and defendant’s charges are included for
This book is a practical reference
for those seeking to learn the basics of auto wreck litigation. Practice
pointers from experienced South Carolina practitioners and appendices of sample
documents help you build the best case for your client.
Each purchase comes with a downloadable version of it.
- Client Intake
- Case Preparation
- Elements of a Negligence Cause of Action
- Evidence at Trial
- Pre-Trial Motions
- Jury Selection
- Jury Instructions
- Post-Trial Motions
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