Insurance Law Basics



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About the Seminar
The following is a discussion and case summaries of some of the most important and influential cases in South Carolina insurance law.  The following is not a thorough list of cases on each area nor do the summaries cover all areas of South Carolina insurance law.  The cases selected are representative on the issues and should not be considered comprehensive on the subject matter.  As recommended during the video discussion, practitioners should familiarize themselves with the case listed below and as well as the recommended cases discussed or mentioned.  Additionally, practitioners should also be familiar with the statutes that also touch on the areas of South Carolina insurance law.
Speaker: Constance A. Anastopoulo
Mandatory MCLE Credit Hours
This seminar qualifies for .75 MCLE credit hour.
This is a Basic Level Program.

Note: When submitting your compliance reports to the SC Commission on CLE and Specialization, if you completed this in 2024, please use this course code: 241050ADO.


Note: When submitting your compliance reports to the SC Commission on CLE and Specialization, if you completed this in2025, please use this course code: 250736ADO.



The South Carolina Bar is an accredited CLE provider in South Carolina only. Attorneys are responsible for seeking their own credit in other jurisdictions.

Disclaimer: The views expressed in CLE programs and publications do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the South Carolina Bar, its sections, or committees. The South Carolina Bar believes that all Bar members have the right to both meaningful learning and to the exchange of ideas in a civil environment. The Bar reserves the right to remove or exclude any person from a Bar event if that person is causing inappropriate disturbance, behaving in a manner inconsistent with accepted standards of decorum, or in any way preventing fellow Bar members from meaningful participation and learning.

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